Sunday, June 11, 2006

My first skipped heartbeat


I know it is so early, and we are barely in the book, but I had my first racing pulse this afternoon as a phone call came in. We had just gotten home from church, and the phone rang. The caller ID just said, "ringing," which has happened more and more recently. The phone rarely rings on Sundays, for some reason, but a neighbor had called earlier.

Anyway, I answered the phone, "Hello?" (Uh, how else would I answer? "Yyyyello?!?")

An unfamiliar female voice said, "Is this Amy Standridge?"

Me: "Yes?"

Don't do that to me! (Lol) It was someone I talked to last week about ABF (adoptive breastfeeding), calling back with some information.

In any case, my heart was racing. I guess I'll get used to it? OK, when?

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