Friday, October 24, 2008

Tough guy!

Our first broken bone! BB went down a slide today and landed wrong on his foot, fracturing his tibia up near the knee. It is not a serious fracture and should heal perfectly, but it is in a huge purple cast. He was a brave kid all day, as it happened at 9:45 or so but I didn't get him to the doctor until almost 3. The doctor sent us right to children's orthopedics who x-rayed the leg and put on the cast right there. He should be in the cast for 3-4 weeks. We have a follow-up appointment in exactly 3 weeks.

So it's been quite the busy afternoon for us. LB is getting over a cold and missed his afternoon nap because of the doctors' visits, but he did great. Randy was able to get to the doctor for the casting process. It was pretty nifty. Here are some pictures of BB pointing (his favorite activity) at the cast. He was really digging the sucker he got at the doctor, too.

Look how cute our tough guy is!


Ann said...

Yikes! Thanks for leaving me the message before I saw the blog. Be sure to give BB a big kiss for me and tell him I will find him a shirt to match his cast.
Maybe he needs a purple cake for his second birthday.

Kelly said...

Your boys are beautiful! (I came accross your blog by accident, sorry!) We grew our family through adoption in January! ~Kelly

Wendi Kitsteiner said...