Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some days are diamonds, some days are stone.

Today was a weird day. We were out of town (oot) last week and I had constant help with the boys. Rather, I should say my MIL had help with the boys, because she did most of the work. (Thanks!) Most of today I just felt blah, and I'll even say I didn't feel like being a mommy today. As a woman who has experienced infertility, one who has the privilege of now being a parent, and one who has many treasured friends with empty arms who continue to long for children, it pains me to admit that.

How come infertile ladies who go on to parent feel like we have to be perfect moms and enjoy every second? How many working people who love their jobs and can't imagine having any other job love every minute and aspect of their job? How many stars love paparazzi? How many teachers love grading papers? How many bosses love firing employees? I would challenge that many do. Why should parenting be different?

I agree that we should cherish our children and understand what a blessing and a privilege parenting is. I usually consider my words carefully when speaking with others about children, especially when I know or am not sure that the person I'm speaking with is a parent. But sometimes I fail. Sometimes I forget and say, "We're so happy to dump the kids off in child care." Of course I'm being flip when I say that, but it could still smart.

By the end of the day today, having begun to get back in the swing of this full-time mommy thing (including a trip to the grocery - yuck), I've mostly settled back in. We had a sweet story time with both boys and both parents, got goodnight kisses and slobbers, and now all is quiet. It's a good life and a fun season around here.

If you've got children and are talking with someone who doesn't, consider how they might feel if you say something meant to be silly, but that pushes their bruise instead. On the other hand, if you are on the other side of the equation and are longing for children, consider measuring me out some grace when I say something lame. I do love my kids, I do know how blessed I am, but I do get tired and get excited to be sans kids for awhile.

(Nothing particular has happened to inspire this post, no one gave me a hard time for saying something dumb, which I do sometimes. I guess this may be some post-Mother's Day thoughts.)


Niki said...

Thank you so mcuh for your sensitivity! I do know on this side of the fence it's easy to romanticize motherhood, but you are so right, I'm sure it's not roses everyday, there's also poop and bugers! ;)

Amy T. S. said...

If you ask BB, "Where are your boogers?" he sticks his finger in his nose. So yes, there's that! ((Nik))

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Good post!