Friday, January 13, 2006

The Eagle has Landed

After having put the postage on our application packet in the lower left corner instead of the upper right (should I blame my adjustment disorder or the confusion of the postage hike...), Buckner has received our mountain of paperwork.

Sound the trumpets!

I consider myself a no-fuss, laid back person. I don't like makeup, don't take long to get ready for my day, tend to blow off even important things (I call this laid back, but I guess it could also be called flakey), but I've been a ball of nerves waiting to hear that our paperwork had arrived. Today I gave in and emailed the very busy administative file-putting-together person, and she let me know that the package had arrived the other day.

It's about time I get back to school and get some other things on my mind!

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