Saturday, January 07, 2006

Doors are opening

Oh, God. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Things are really happening.

I know that at any time doors could start to close and things could be postponed, but for the time being, God's timing seems to be moving pretty fast. What a ride!

I emailed my advisor about whether she thought it was feasible to both student teach and do interviews at the same time. This might be a little easier if our agency was in Austin, but it isn't so we'll just go with it. Her exact response was...


Whoa. That's unambiguous, isn't it?

My next step was to email the student teaching superviser. I have not heard back from her yet, as a just barely emailed her, but I think I composed a special email stating our "case." If she is as encouraging as my dear advisor, I will then contact my two cooperating teachers. I would like to take a minute to outline some of the circumstances outlining our parent preparation process. (Sounds like I am making a speech).

Spring 2005 - field teaching experience with Mrs. Woodbridge, a Christian
Fall 2005 - field teaching experience with Mrs. Oliver, a Christian, shared our adoption plans
October 14th - attend Buckner orientation
December 2005 - received spring student teaching placement with Mrs. Woodbridge and Mrs. Oliver
January 5 - hear from agency that we could get in our interview and attend a seminar next month
January 6 - panic, email advisor
January 7 - validation from advisor, email supervisor

Right now doors are opening. They could temporarily shut tomorrow, and that's OK. We're doin' the faith walk! Scary? Hmmm...exciting. Definitely exciting.

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