Monday, April 07, 2008


For about the past 17 months, ever since we were "sleeping" in a hotel bed waiting for BB to be born and come home with us, I have needed assistance getting to sleep.

God bless the U.S.A.

I can list all the states in alphabetical order and list every capital. It helps me get to sleep even though I sometimes have to run through the states several times if I'm really having a hard time.

I also list the states when I am stressed about LBs sleeping habits. When he's fighting sleep but I know he's tired and I'm getting frustrated (truth hurts), I list the states. It's like a bedtime story.

I have to admit it's losing it's potency. I think next I'll have to memorize U.S. presidents in chronological order, or list the books of the Bible in order.

I have Christine to thank for my capital listing prowess, because awhile back she listed an awesome website to assist with capital memorization. Now if I could just go back to the 3rd grace, I'd ace U.S. geography - a historically weak subject of mine.



Niki said...

Bummer about the sleep, but what a great new talent you have!! Praying for REST for you.

kclblogs said...

never heard of that trick. i may try it one of these nights!

Liz said...

that is hysterical! I could never do that...

Unknown said...

Six years ago Nana could still list all the states and capitols but hopefully you will be able to both list them and sleep.
Aunt Nancy