He gets plastic-tub baths in the kitchen sink at home, had a sink bath with a foam fish pad at Granny's, and a real tub bath at Grandma's in Colorado - baths of all sizes and colors! Here is a cute bath picture.

HOWEVER, getting out of the bath is another story. Look at this pout! This is not a learned behavior, this pout, he came with this. Isn't it the cutest? When he does it it just makes me laugh, as evidenced by the picture. We just love this guy to pieces!

The last spectacular thing about bath time, besides the occasional fountain, is that since we've been performing this night-time ritual, BG has begun sleeping like a champ! Many nights he goes to bed at 8pm, wakes up at 2am for a feeding and then sleeps until 7 or 8! Once in awhile he still needs to eat at 1am and 4am, but we'll take all the almost-full-nights-sleep we can get.
I know I already said this, but I want to reiterate that we are thrilled with our sweet son and can't get enough of him. He's 10 weeks old now and beginning to use his hands, smile often, and even sounds like he almost laughs sometimes. He likes mornings and is usually quite smiley when we go in to get him in the morning. He's awesome (birthmom K's favorite word to describe him).
I'm looking forward to this age! I really need some interaction and rewards (smiles and coos) for all the work I put in with Sarah Bradley (aka, Erik's girlfriend! lol).
Glad to know it's coming soon!
Loving the pics. Keep them posted.
He is getting cuter by the post! He will enjoy his bathtime! Gavin has had one every night since we got home with him! Loves it!! Smiles and splashes up a storm! Hope yall are doing wonderful....
I LOVE the pouty face! Too cute!! And I'm noticing some chub on his cheeks - how cool that he's grown so much. :) Please do let us know next time you head out our way. We'd love to see you guys!
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