Obviously, we are thrilled with this happy baby! Upon looking at a friend's blog I realized we needed to get ahold of one of these Bumbo seats. I was happy with the color - how shallow is that?
We finally took the baby to church last weekend! We didn't put him in the nursery because we weren't quite comfortable with that, yet, so he sat with us in the back of the church. He needed a bottle 1/2 way through, but we are glad we finally ventured back. I don't remember much about the sermon, but it was nice to be with our church family again.
Iowa, Iowa, State, State! Yes, we are still UT fans, Matt, but we do have split loyalties once in awhile.
Church, when Nicholas was very young, wasn't too much of a task. I'd feed him when the service started and he'd go to sleep just fine. Now? Nursery is a must which is sad... but has let me get back to the choir. So, blessings all the same.
Denise, Munchkin's Mom, had a bumbo seat for their youngest and he loved it. :)
I love the Bumbo! I am anticipating SB getting to 3 months so I can put her in one! I love the aqua, but I think purple is her color!
Keep that baby with you in church (Bible study, fellowships, Wednesday night meals, etc.) just as looooooooooooong as you want. AS LONG AS YOU WANT! And go to church as often as you want. Sit in your same "old seat." He's an addition, not a disruption. No better place to celebrate him ... be thankful for him ... pass him around and let others praise their God while sharing in his sweet grunts, his boisterous cries .... let everything that has breath (gas or a poopy diaper) praise the Lord!
The Bumbo was before my kids' time. I'm so jealous. I think Mac would have LOVED THAT!!!
Just when you think you know someone, they go and put their sweet little boy in an Iowa State onsie.....
sorry I misspelled onesie....must have been too early in the morning....
I love that you shared your feelings about K. As well as your blog about open adoption...open adoption means what it means to you and that ALL that is important. Its take on different meanings in every situation.
So just a cuppa joe to be my private dick, I mean, eye? We could work that out...we could!
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