Baby's first bath at home! He certainly did not love the sponge bath, but he didn't wail the whole time either. It felt like quite an accomplishment. We made a pact before we started that we would laugh instead of stress if it was a disaster. We knew we'd look back and laugh anyway. Now if I could finally get the picture to upload! Blogger has been kicking my butt today.
I have a homemade calzone baking in the oven right now. Thanks, Jeanne!
Come on, picture...
I think you need to change your blog title "Received #1 Through Open Adoption"!!
I want to hear ALL the details about the birthmom...so send me an email when you have a chance...
LOVE you and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I am THRILLED FOR YOU! Now I know what those emails were about...sneaky girl!
I love the pictures of BABY S. He really is a cutie-pie. He has such perfect features, doesn't he? He will be quite the looker when he grows up! The time will go by SO fast. Make sure that you enjoy every single minute - even the bad ones. They are only small once, and then they turn into raging harbingers of hormones - yuck! :-p
When do we become graced with the name of this beautiful child? Can you post birth weight, time, and length at birth? Oops....silly me....like you really have the TIME to do all of that!!!! How quickly I forget the work involved in caring for a newborn! Sorry! I wish that I lived in Texas so that I could lend you a hand! :-)
Ooooooooohhhhhh! Naked baby! Nothing sweeter!!!! Kiss his teeny little tushy for me.
I've been having trouble posting a comment. I think because I have blogger beta. Trying this again. I think I may have done it!?
You go girl!!! You are a natural!! He is just the sweetest little thing!! I am so excited for you all!!
Congratulations on the first bath there! By the way he is a cutie pie as has already been mentioned!
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