Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Poison Control to Major Mom

Today was my first call to Poison Control! I didn't want to call at first because I was pretty sure it wasn't serious, and I was afraid they would come to take me away for not supervising my kids. BB ate the top of a Creative Memories Photo-Safe pen in gold. I was in the bathroom for a minute and when I came out he was holding the pen sans nib. I found the lid on the floor so he obviously hadn't ingested that, at least.

The lady was really nice and she asked me a bunch of questions like, "What did you think you were doing going into the bathroom by yourself and CLOSING THE DOOR????" Just kidding. She asked about his age, weight, if he was acting sick, etc. The bottom line, if you ever need to know, is that the Creative Memories Photo-Safe pen in gold is non-toxic. You can now rest assured if you ever accidentally ingest one.

1 comment:

C said...

I will add to that: a toddler can consume a fairly large amount of toothpaste and fair okay, as well.