Thursday, September 25, 2008

Modern "conveniences."

I am afraid that the Internet may be the downfall of my writing career. No, I'm not a professional writer trying to earn a living, but I enjoy it and could see myself trying to get something published someday. However, I just can't imagine sitting down to write and doing nothing but for more than about two minutes. When I'm on the computer I feel the need to constantly check my email, read about Wendi, play a few games of Word Challenge on Facebook or find out what's going on at Hannah's Prayer or Parenting After Infertility ministries. I also feel I need to sweep the floor, clean my person in some way, and of course listen for my cute little guys waking up from a nap.

A question in the Bible study I'm doing asked what were some of the things that keep me from doing what is important, like spending time in fellowship with the Lord. My #1 and #2 answers were television and the Internet, and not necessarily in that order. After spending time praying and thinking about this the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I am relying on TV and the Internet to relax and calm me instead of relying on God for those things.

As soon as I get my kids to bed for nap time I typically eat some comfort food and turn on the boob tube. I get sucked in and before I know it someone or the other is crying and needing attention. My "me" time has then been spent doing something with no eternal value and really hasn't relaxed or refreshed me at all. I don't learn anything on TV that I can teach my children or use in any other way, and it does not bring me peace lasting for very long. When I do something like Bible study, reading, or writing I do feel like I've learned something I can use and have experienced some nice quiet that I don't get when I watch Tyra at one o'clock.

We had a new couch delivered today and the old one is sitting under me in the bay window in the dining room. I thought if I sat here to write something it would begin to break my habit of automatically turning on the television when the kids go down for naps. I have managed to leave the TV off and the only reason I opened another browser was to remind me how to spell "o'clock." (Did I do it right?) So I guess it has worked for now. I feel like I am done with this piece, so can I avoid turning on the TV or spending the next 20 minutes surfing the net? We'll see.

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