This Pooped Out Parent Recommends
Pam Vredevelt delivers a piping-hot cup of encouragement in this entertaining, easy read. I found myself enthralled in her stories and unable to put the book down. I plan to buy a copy for a fellow pooped out parent friend of mine. I think it will be especially encouraging to her as a mom of a child with special needs. I loved how Vredevelt shared precious insights from her own similar experiences.
I read another of Vredevelt's works before I became a parent and struggled with infertility and miscarriage. It was especially comforting as a now pooped out parent to read "Espresso" both for reassurance that I'm a good-enough parent and as a reminder to remember whence I came as a woman longing for a child. (Shameless plug for "Empty Arms" here.)
One of my favorite stories where in chapter 15 Vredevelt writes about her first talk show appearance, all of the little things that went wrong and how she handled them with the Holy Spirit's leading. As the story of each mishap unfolds, she repeatedly states, "Oh well, it was a nice plan..." and then goes on to reveal how God worked out all of those unplanned moments for good. I find myself encountering many similar situations where life does not work out according to my plan. This reminds me to laugh at myself and my misguided illusions of control. Vredevelt's gentle humor adds to the effectiveness of many of her stories.
At the end of "Espresso for Your Spirit," Vredevelt adds "Koffee Klatch Questions" for parents who would like to read EFYS as a group and discuss. I think it would make a good book club choice but not necessarily a weekly group since there are 28 chapters in this book and many of them are quite short.
I would be thrilled to sit down for a cuppa joe with Pam Vredevelt any time.
I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for this honest review. All opinions are my own.