The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18.
I am having a lovely Mother's Day. I got to sleep in, eat some chorizo and some frozen yogurt (not together), and pick up a new book at the library. I'm about to eat hamburgers with my family. It's a good day!
But there are many women today who are broken-hearted. They've lost mothers, children, pregnancies, and the dream of having children. My heart and prayers goes out to those ladies.
My best friend died unexpectedly in January. Her mom is missing one of her chicks today. Sweet
Kristi is missing her babies Naomi, Kyria, and Jordan today. Many other women, personal, beautiful friends of mine from
Hannah's Prayer Community Forums (and other non-disclosed locations) have aching hearts and arms today, longing for children or grieving the loss of the dream of having children. I love you and pray for you.
Jesus says,
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10b.) I pray for abundant joy today for these ladies, joy that makes no sense in terms of life's circumstances, but joy that will make perfect sense in the arms of Jesus when He comes.
I love my mom and my mother-in-law today, and the other women who have mothered me over the years - Lovettia, Anita, Robbie, and others. And even Jennifer who is WAY too young to be my mother! Happy mother's day to you incredible women. I am blessed.