Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My first car, Christine. What a beaut!

Eek. We had to plug this thing in at night. It had a diesel engine and once got 55 MPG when I drove it from Ames, Iowa to California. What memories!


C said...

I wonder how many of YOUR first car we could have fit INSIDE of my first car???

Allison said...

Hehe... You could fit two of those in my first car - a very old Chevy Monte Carlo. My friends called it 'The Beast!'

It's great. I have very fond memories of my first car...

Thelma said...

I LOVED my first car!!! I cried when we had to part way... (sniff, sniff)

Yours first car is nice and tiny like mine, a 1998 Nissan Micra. Sigh... that thing was so cute!

My guy friends used to call it a little sewing machine, because they didn't think she was a real car, but I knew better.


Thelma said...

Adding another comment to apologize for all the grammatical errors in the first comment. Eep!